Pelagics Fishery
Management Plan
Amendment 18
Final Amendment 18
Appendix 1: Public Scoping Report
Appendix 2: Assessment of the Population-level Impacts of
Potential Increases in Marine Turtle Interactions Resulting from a
Hawaii Longline Association Proposal to Expand the Hawaii-based
Shallow-set Fishery
Appendix 3: Observed Captures and Estimated Mortality of Sea
Turtles in the Hawaii Shallow-set Longline Fishery, 2004-2007
Appendix 4: Leatherback and Loggerhead Sea Turtle Egg
Equivalencies Using Chaloupka Models
Appendix 5: Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis and
Regulatory Impact Review for Amendment 18 to the Fishery Management
Plan for Pelagic Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region
Appendix 6: 2008 NMFS Biological Opinion on Proposed Amendment
18 to the FMP for Pelagic Fisheries of the Western Pacific
Appendix 7: NMFS' Responses to Comments Received on the DSEIS
and the Public Comment Letters
Amendment 8
Amendment 7
Chapters I-II: Introduction and History of Pelagic FMP and
Amendment 7
Chapter III: Condition of Pacific Pelagic Management Unit
Species and Fisheries
Chapters IV-V: Potential Problems Addressed by Amendment 7, and
Description of Proposed Actions and Rejected Alternatives
Chapter VI: Impact Assessment
Chapters VII-IX: Further Evaluation of Proposed Action,
Relationship to Other Laws and Directives, and Review of Comments
and Responses to Comments
References and Appendices
Regulatory Amendment 5
Regulatory Amendment 5
Appendix I: Albatross interaction rates for seabird avoidance
methods tested in the North Pacific Ocean pelagic longline swordfish
and tuna fisheries
Appendix II: Distribution of fishing effort in the Hawaii-based
longline fishery
Appendix III: Regulatory Impact Review and Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis